• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Hold your ground but do not be unkind. (Ponyphonic, "Shy Heart") He/him. Ponyfic Roundup reviews every Wednesday.


They say that there are many Equestrias, some very like our own and some so different that we could not even begin to comprehend them. Here, you may discover what became of one such world, on which the new Queen of the defeated changeling army fell in love with a stallion from Tall Tale, himself an outsider in his own city. The tragic story of Raspberry Ripple is, indeed, among the strangest there is to tell.

Review (amazingly): PresentPerfect

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

Well, there was a cat that really was gone.

4440899 Next up, "Brown Mare in the Ring", the tale of Applejack's ill-fated boxing career.

Or possibly not.

Author Interviewer

I got to this line:

Imagine! Ra Ra, lover of the changeling Queen!

and went, "Oh no. Oh fucking no!"

And then I didn't get "Pony M" until the end. You are obviously a dangerous individual and I need to keep my eye on you. :|

5303697 I'm not dangerous! Not in the least. It's only my brain, and my brain is in no way under my control or command...

Author Interviewer


At "in his eyes was a flaming glow," I suspected. At "full of ecstasy and fire," I knew. The rest was sheer enjoyment. I mean, you open with parallel universes and then it's a song gag. How could I not love it?

5682082 Thanks! It was immense fun to write, too. One of those times when you doodle something ridiculous in a notebook, and then the realisation hits you that this might actually work. :rainbowwild:

Just the name of the story was enough for the gig to be up. My social studies teacher played this song for the class well over a decade ago, but it still pops in my head occasionally. This story is ridiculous.


This story is ridiculous.

Why, thank you! :pinkiehappy:

I really ought to change the cat's name, though. It's just going to confuse people these days!

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